So, in case you have been stuck in a cave for the last wee while, Sandy and I are about to move to Loughborough! We are going because Sandy has been given a job as a "research associate" at Loughborough University in the Department of Civil and Building Engineering. Sandy will be doing lots of research and helping supervise 3 PhD students, it will all be great experience to help him on his way to becoming a lecturer in a university which is the next step on his career plan.
We are gutted to be leaving Aberdeen behind but we are so thankful that this opportunity has come up, it is the answer to at least 3 years of prayers and we are really genuinely excited about what God might do with us when we get there. The contract is for 2 years, at certainly at the moment the plan is to come back to Aberdeen at the end of that time, but we are going to see what God does and where He takes us while we are there.
Of course the last couple of weeks have been all about packing up the house, and today the removal company came and took away almost everything we own in the back of their van! The house now feels really weird being quite empty although also incredibly messy at the same time!
This is where our sofa used to live!
Tomorrow we clean the house and then Sunday we drive to Loughborough, we have a house to live in, although have not yet seen it (well, we have seen photos!) so my next post can be all about our new house.
See you in Loughborough!