Tuesday 13 March 2012


We had been planning to head back up to Scotland for Easter, but having realised that a friend's wedding (James and Kim - this is the wedding associated with the stag do in Milan) was happening a month earlier, we moved the trip to allow Jay and me to go to attend. So it was an "Easter-ish" trip.

After the success of a single day trek at Christmas, and given the reduced time we had due to running low on annual leave, we drove all the way from Loughborough to Jay's parents' house on 1 March. We managed the trip in record time since Naomi arrived (only 9 and a half hours), with only two stops. I actually quite enjoyed it! First stop was at a service area near Carlisle, and the second stop was for a lovely cup of tea at Peggy Scott's, a wee bit after Dundee.

Here's Naomi eagerly investigating everything happening at the service area (she likes these places - LOTS to look at):
Here she is at Peggy Scott's. Naomi's become a great fan of hiding and chasing, and as the place was fairly empty it was great for doing those things. She also had fun distracting all the staff from their work with her usual cuteness...

On to the wedding, which took place at St Machar's cathedral in Aberdeen and the reception was at Norwood Hall Hotel. Here's Jay looking even more beautiful than normal...

...and an award winning idea, a free tuck shop for guests during the bit where everyone is waiting for the photos to be done.

Here's one of the reasons I really like being back home:

Now on to a roundup of the other activities on our holiday...
Meeting more people... Naomi must think she's met everyone in the world by now! Here she is with Willow and Logan, children of our good friends Tom and Laura.

Naomi's got her own special seat at Granny and Granddad's

Uncle Ian's Creationary game. Pictionary, but with Lego. Absolutely genius.

Girls and their technology

"Dinner was lovely"

At the park with Grandma

On returning home to Loughborough, we've hit the ground running again. It must have thrown Naomi a bit, because now she's trying to use a whale as a telephone...

It made me smile at the end of a long day :)

Finally, worth a mention is that it's a couple of weeks since Jay gave her first sermon at church, on Acts 8. I'm really proud of her, she gave a really good message and God was right at the centre of it. I'd hoped to put a recording of it online so folks back home could hear it but unfortunately the usual one that's taken didn't work and I didn't think to make one at the time. I'll try to get one the next time she speaks!

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