The Brownlees moved to Loughborough so they started a blog. Now they've moved to Stirling but this is still your opportunity to keep up with all their goings on...
Sunday 15 May 2016
A truly gargantuan catchup of ragtag activities from the past couple of months. There's been a lot going on!
We took Naomi to the park to try learning to ride her bike. Definitely a work in progress - she's pretty good until she knows we're not holding her, but unfortunately she figures that out instantly!
Lydia has been learning the finest traditions of the Cockney folk song, and can now complete the riff on demand.
She also has a fond appreciation for snacks...
Naomi has taken to laying out her clothes like this as she chooses them. I guess it's because Jay lays out the clothes each night in preparation for school/nursery the next day. The best part is that she layers everything properly too: under there are vest and underwear all in the right places.!
I just liked Naomi's hair this day
Sisters doing a bit of drawing
Miriam's hair is quite good at building up static charge. This is in her new car seat, but the same happens with thep lastic toys in the garden too. I've always liked charge-induced big hair, you can imagine how much fun I had with the van der Graaff in school.
Lydia looking nicely relaxed after a lovely breakfast of hoops.
This was on Jay's birthday. I took the day off work and her we are enjoying a bit of time with Lydia while her sisters were out at school and nursery.
Some innovative use of the birthday candles already in our possession. Not as tricky as last year though!
Miriam does enjoy her jam.
Lydia can play peekaboo!
A wee Easter treat made by Naomi at Sunday School
Don't leave Lydia unattended. Chaos will follow.
Baking some gingerbread men (and other shapes)...
Naomi and Miriam are highly creative with their Lego
For some reason, the milkman elected to leave our milk in this convenient location one morning.
During the school Easter holidays, we went for a break to grandparents in both New Deer and Keig.
Extra excitement when cousins are around!
Miriam quite enjoying having access to her cousin Innes' toys.
A "being quiet" competition (yes, really)
Naomi made this sign after being told repeatedly to avoid disturbing her baby sister's nap. "No one come in, Lydia's room. No noise."
Dinner at Granny's house always means sweet desserts!
At least the graffiti in my car is well done.
Naomi has been asking for some time for a picture of my office. Here it is - currently I've taken over both the desks in the middle and the zone to the right, but no doubt that'll need to end soon as we have more people joining us soon.
Another open day, another go on the 3D printer. Here it is printing a Klein bottle (3D version of a Mobius strip) - technically impossible to represent in 3D space but we'll give it a go anyway...
Loads of widgets! Here's my spot for the open day. (a finished Klein bottle is in black to the left of the cup)
Given a 3D printer, what would you print? For me the answer is obvious.
I recently spent a night in Edinburgh doing the Scottish Crucible (there's a picture of me there under "Scottish Crucible 2016 launched") - a training a networking programme for young researchers. There's another couple of trips, but this one was spent at the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Scottish Parliament, with a stay overnight in a hotel overlooking Waverley station. It was very intense, so no pictures of the event, but here's the view from my room...
I bought Naomi an umbrella in Paris a few years back, but the toddler years took their toll on it, so we finally had to replace it. The girls are very happy with these!
Miriam has started swimming lessons. She was most pleased to get her goggles.
Lydia sporting her new cardigan, made by her Grandma.
Granny and Grandad came for a visit, here we are having a much appreciated meal out at the restaurant that also has soft play. What's not to like?
Finally, some good weather has made an appearance, so we've had lots of outdoor play...
At the park
In the garden
The Quadro has been reconstructed into a schoolhouse
It has a blackboard, here is Naomi educating her sisters
and occasionally getting distracted.
Lydia can now climb on the big slide. Terrifying: just not for her.
Some real sunshine last weekend, we had to get the pool out!
And a picnic outside
Followed by a barbecue this weekend. Awesome.
We had to admit defeat with growing tomatoes from seed this year, so here are some shop bought plants. Two tomatoes and a sweet pepper: hopefully they will produce something that doesn't just get eaten by slimy creatures this time!
Also a revisit to the impossible-to-kill house plant I mentioned in a previous post.
The sticks (and one was nothing more than than) in the glass of water started to sprout leaves and roots...
The big plant also started to branch out at the top of the two stems
Following this, the new plants were moved into their own pots of compost and are now doing well...
The big plant is already starting to interfere with the ceiling once again!
there was recently a transit of the planet Mercury across the sun. I tried some solar projection to view it using some binoculars, with Naomi helping. We got quite a big image, and might have seen something, but it's possible it was also a sunspot. Unfortunately, getting a good photo of our image, while holding the binoculars steady and preventing Naomi getting too close proved too difficult for me!
We conclude with some nice craft and artwork...
Naomi built this little garden scene using her Lego
Another "sounds" lesson. This time S for singing, slide, snake and sweets.
Naomi's rainbow
Two Mothers' Day cards from Naomi
We found this picture that Naomi had drawn, a copy of the cover of the book that Jay has been reading to her at bedtime.
Naomi's "button treat" this week was a magazine, which came with some nice paints.
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