Sunday 19 June 2016

Fathers' Day

Is today! And it's been pretty good. A long lie which was very much appreciated, followed by cards and hugs from all my favourite girls.

Card from all on the left, and home-made by Miriam on the right
Naomi's on the left (that's a picture of her), and another from Miriam on the right
Naomi wrote this, it's "God loves you" - and my daughters have helped me know this so much more than I did before.
That's me on the left and Miriam on the right (Miriam's people all have that fancy hair just now)
Miriam's other card. I think one of the figures is Jay.
Naomi wrote this on everyone's behalf. 
Naomi drew me a milkshake. This was an excellent supplement to the large chocolate I was also provided with today.
Lydia did her bit too!

Miriam drew this...
... and this - obviously that's a flag on the right. The bit on the left is a dress with a heart at the top.
Miriam also drew me some faces.
Naomi drew me the whole family!
One of the best parts of the day was that Naomi told me she didn't mind what we did as long as we could spend time together. This is pretty much my thinking on family time too! So while Jay went for a reciprocal nap this afternoon, I had a couple of hours uninterrupted play with Naomi and Miriam. For the most, part we made things with the play snow, and it was really good fun. After that, Lydia got up from her nap and we played "hiding under a blanket" for a bit - then it was a mixture of TV, reading stories, play kitchen and other such things.

It's a real privilege to be father to these three girls. I love them!

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