Friday 9 November 2018

To my beautiful, wonderful Miriam

Miriam, you have been waiting for this day for *so* long. So many of your friends turned six a while ago and yet you have been waiting your turn. I'd say patiently but despite your many wonderful qualities patience is not one of them.

You have always been a wonderful child with such a sense of fun. You continue to have a laugh that comes from deep inside your soul and it brings me so much joy to hear you use it. This year you have very much grown into the young girl you are. You are learning so much and so fast and you are growing taller as well as maturing.

You love to be outside. You love to be in nature. And you continue to love a stick.

You like to be doing whatever Naomi is doing and actually, for the most part, the two of you are really good friends. I love that and pray that this will continue for the rest of your lives. You look out for each other and that makes me happy. I am so pleased you have each other.

You love to learn. About anything. You're ability to read has massively come on this year and so there is little to hold you back now. You love to find out how things work, I imagine you turning out to be some sort of engineer or scientist of some sort.

You are the most determined child I have ever met, some might call you stubborn, and we are daily learning how to work together to use that as a power for good. Some days I don't get that right, I am sorry for those days. I love you so much, the thing is, I am pretty "determined" too.

I will be praying this year that as you grow and mature more that you will be sure of who you are and that you will learn whose you are. I will be praying that when people look at you, they will see something of the likeness of God, after all you are created in his likeness.  I will be praying that you learn not to "let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity." (1 Timothy 4:12) because you have the potential to influence so many things around you.

Keep being you.  Love you! Thankful for you.

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