Friday 20 March 2015


Now for the obligatory eclipse post. Of course, I spend most of my time looking at an eclipse, but usually it's this one:

(that's a development tool for Java programming - ho ho ho)

Enough of that! I ordered up some solar viewing glasses a few weeks ago in the forlorn hope that there would be no clouds. As it happens, the weather was perfect for the first time in weeks this morning, so we got quite a good show!

The eclipse had just started  when I left the house with Naomi. She has a bit of an idea about this - children's TV have been showing quite a lot of things recently which explained what it was all about. She could see the piece bitten out of the sun, and was quite excited about it all - we even stopped on the way to nursery for another look. The cycle to work was fun - lots of people staring at the sky (but no slapstick tree/lamppost encounters...)

Once I got to work it seems like most of the university had taken an hour off, and we got a gap in the clouds at just the perfect time - about ten minutes either side of the maximal eclipse. There were a couple of patches where there was enough cloud to see a crescent. All jolly good.

On to some pictures taking with my humble phone camera. Click on them to enlarge...

Taken through the solar viewer, this was the view over our back garden before the eclipse started.

Just getting going...

Unfiltered shot through the clouds, outside the university. Sorry for the low resolution on this one.

A final shot with a few academics thrown too.

I suppose I ought to get back to work now.

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