Friday 12 December 2014


After the flurry of catch up posts we've had the past few days, it's time for a miscellaneous post...

Peppa and George getting the most of the view from the top bunk.

Naomi's friend made a pumpkin latern, and she wanted to do the same. So, several days after Halloween, we made neepy lanterns. The girls drew on the patterns and I cut them out.

I feel this should be an album cover.

That's better - happy Miriam!

A present of delicious sweets. The girls have quite enjoyed having the "big sister" presents that accompanied the many presents for Lydia.

Once again, we get some cool effects with the fog. Look closely and you'll see a floating Wallace Monument. (click the picture to make it bigger!)

The girls have become strangely keen on Strictly Come Dancing. Very odd as we don't usually watch it, and it's on after their bedtime (I think they were late to bed one night and it came on) You can probably guess that Naomi likes to copy the dance moves.

Naomi's nursery had an open evening, with various fundraising things and displays. Honestly, the place was mad - it felt like hundreds of children and adults squashed into a small space. Here is a brief moment of calm getting some tasty treats.

First whole-family trip to the park. Weeeee!

Jay might write more about this sometime, but she got asked to review some buggies and carseats for a magazine. Our garage is now a wall of buggies!

It's a hard life.

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