Friday 24 December 2010

It's Christmas!!

I guess we had forgotten about the blog because it was originally set up to keep people in Aberdeen(shire) up todate with our goings on in Loughborough and now that we are back in Aberdeenshire we didn't see the need, but I guess a quick post wouldn't go astray!!

Sandy and I have been back in the area since Wednesday, we are staying with my parents for now. The drive was massively uneventful (which we are pleased about) and the snow didn't really slow us down at all, although the cold did as we couldn't get any water out our windscreen washers through freezing and had to stop at every other garage to pour water onto the screen so we could see! Apart from that the only issue is that the baby didn't take kindly to me being sat in essentially the same position for 9 or 10 hours and made this known by beating me up from the inside out!

Today is Christmas Eve and I will catch up with my good friend from school, Alli, and later my parents' next door neighbours are coming over for a wee "party" with their kids, if nothing else it will be good practice for me to have some mayhem to contend with!! We might go to the watchnight service at Howe Trinity later on, I'm not sure Sandy and I are particularly fussed, but this is the last year we will be able to do it without a big fuss, at least for a while!!

Tomorrow, being the big day itself, will see us open our presents with my parents, then after the service at Howe Trinity we will drive over to New Deer and see everyone over there, it will be great to see everyone again, we haven't seen them since we moved, although Sandy is getting a sneak preview today when he stops by on his way home from the dentist!

The rest of our holiday is about ctaching up with as many people as possible, we will spend a few days staying in Aberdeen with our good friend Liz so that we can see more friends more easily, we have missed everyone so much and having left in such a rush we don't feel like we got to say goodbye to everyone properly!

So, let us know if you want to catch up at all, we are around until 3rd January when we will drive back to Loughborough, and I will be praying the baby still hasn't come, I will be a few days short of 37 weeks pregnant at that point!!

Happy Christmas everyone!

Jay (and Sandy and bump!)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update Jay, enjoy being home! Katie has decided today she is terrfied of the hoover and screams when I'm using it and clings on to my leg. Hoovering with a child (a crying on) hanging off one leg is hard work! Have given up for now haha! Eeee oh dear :) Have a wonderful Christmas, for next year it will be all about the pressies for the baby. :) Katie has sooo many, it's funny xxx
