Thursday 16 February 2012


Naomi's just had her one-year-old injections and although she's now more protected against measles and other such horrors, is feeling a bit miserable this week. Rightly so, I've seen the three sore bits where the injections took place!

One nice thing though is that she's become a bit more clingy and evenings this week have mostly been about hugging. She's also learned to do kisses fairly recently, but doesn't yet understand that one's mouth should be closed for this, so it's not as pleasant as it might sound...

In other news, I've finally finished building my birthday present, the legendary K'Nex ferris wheel, which can be seen in any good toy shop's window, and now also our dining room. Awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Poor, sweet Naomi! I hope she is feeling right-back-to-baby-wonderfulness very soon!!

    **the ferris wheel is just great!! :)
