Monday 13 February 2012

What a difference a year makes

Sandy, Naomi and I have just returned from the Open Heaven Weekend away, you can read about our experience last year here but suffice to say it is quite different going on such a thing with a one year old compared to taking a newborn!

One thing that was a good bit more challenging is that Naomi needed stimulated a lot more this time and being more aware of her surroundings meant that it potentially was harder to persuade her to sleep with all the goings on and it was definitely harder to keep her where we wanted her as she tried to explore every single corner of the Quinta centre.  That said, she was very much at home in the creche and loved getting to play with the bigger boys and girls and having so many people around.

Sandy and I managed to get to some of the seminars and worship sessions which was really good and we heard some great talks on sowing seed widely and on staying passionate about the love of God.

Each year there is a walk to Wales that people can go on, it is quite long at 2 hours but there is some beautiful country side to make it well worth the effort!  Last year I had given birth just a couple of weeks previously and as such wasn't in a fit state to go but Sandy took Naomi

This year though, I was well and truly up for the walk and here you see Naomi being a bit bigger and more noticeably enjoying the walk too, although in the same sling (best baby purchase ever made!)

Another photo we wanted to share comes from the morning before we left for the weekend away.  The car seat was in the living room because I was being given a lift to a group so Sandy could drive to work and Naomi wouldn't leave it alone, continuing in her desire to use everything in a context it is not meant for and crying if we try and use things as they are meant to be (hats, car seats, toothbrushes)

You can plainly see that here she thinks that car seat is amazing, anyone who has shared a car with Naomi can vouch for this not normally being her opinion on the matter!

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