Friday 19 February 2016


A few things which don't really fit in anywhere else...

Another great Naomi drawing

I also got a new (well, recycled) bike recently, as the last one had succumbed to several thousand miles of commuting through all weathers over the past six years.

Naomi got a button jar treat recently and invited me to go to the cafe with her. Yum!

We nipped back up to Banff for a day for my brother's 30th birthday.

Nice views from the restaurant at the Banff Springs Hotel

The latest in the Bill meme - our fridge at work has become more amusing of late :)

Clearly the sky was feeling patriotic a couple of days ago.

We've had this plant since getting engaged - it's a Madagascar Dragon Tree - and it had finally reached the point where it was interfering with the ceiling. Unable to place it on the floor thanks to likely child damage, I discovered that these things are quite hardy and can survive considerable pruning. Considerable pruning thus took place and we now have a much shorter plant, plus three stems on which I'm trying to encourage root growth.

On close inspection, small swellings are appearing at the top of the stems - I'm expecting these to sprout new leaves.

On to another kind of pruning... Supposedly these trees are coming down to make way for a new building in the university. I find these X marks quite sinister!

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