Saturday 13 February 2016


A few weeks back we had some snow - the first proper snow we've had in a couple of years (hurray!) so the first that Miriam could really enjoy. I love the sense of wonder that the girls have when things like this happen.

A walk to school in the snow...

On Saturday, Miriam had a little adventure in the garden by herself...

Of course,  we had to go outside and do some proper snow play. Snowballs and snowman all the way.

That's spiky hair on the snowman's head.
Naturally, the campus looks pretty nice in the snow too.

 Being wee girls still, they got bored and cold after a while and came inside, asking to play with a Christmas present - the play snow. This stuff is a very find white powder that one adds water to. It then turns into something quite like snow that's very good for playing with. I thought it was pretty neat!

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